How to View Only Unread Emails in Outlook

If you’re like most people, you probably have a lot of emails in your inbox. Sometimes it can be challenging to find the one you’re looking for, especially if you’ve already read some of them. Fortunately, Outlook has a feature that allows you to view only your unread emails.

There are a couple of reasons why you might want to do this. First, you might have missed an important email, and you don’t want to scroll through your entire inbox to find it. Or, you may want to clear out your junk emails or make sure you’ve read everything important. Whatever the reason, viewing only your unread emails is a great way to stay on top of your inbox.

To view only your unread emails in Outlook, follow these simple steps:

1. Open Outlook and go to your inbox.

2. Look for the blue line to the left of the email. This indicates that the email is unread.

3. Right-click on the inbox and click on “Properties.”

4. Click on “Total number of items.”

5. Click on “Apply” to see the total number of emails in your inbox.

6. Go back to the inbox and right-click on it again.

7. Click on “Show number of unread items” and click on “Apply.”

8. Click on the “Home” tab at the top of the screen.

9. Under “Filter email,” click on “Unread mail.”

10. Only your unread emails will appear with the blue line to the left of them.

If you want to see all your emails again, simply go back to “Filter email” and unclick “Unread mail.” This will show you all the emails in your inbox, including the ones you’ve already read.

Using this feature can help you stay organized and keep your inbox clean. Plus, it’s a great way to make sure you don’t miss any important emails. So, next time you’re struggling to find an email in your inbox, try viewing only your unread emails.