How to Update Teams: Streamlining Workflows with Microsoft Teams’ Updates App

Frontline workers are essential to the global economy and often the first point of contact for consumers. However, many frontline workers are still using outdated tools and manual processes to complete their work. This is where Microsoft Teams’ Updates app comes in.

Microsoft Teams’ Updates app is an out-of-the-box app that saves frontline workers time and energy by helping them create, submit, and review updates in the flow of work. Whether these updates are recurring processes or in-the-moment updates, Updates makes it easy to manage them all in one place.

For operations manager Kadji Bell and her team, who conduct weekly safety walkthroughs of the Northwind Traders factory facilities, Updates saves time, energy, and resources. Kadji can easily review, track, and log all the walkthroughs in real-time by using an out-of-the-box template to quickly create a safety check update and configure it to her teams’ needs.

Kadji can also assign team members who will be submitting the weekly walkthrough, add anyone on the broader team who may need to see the updates as they come in, and require pictures for submission. She can even set up a recurring due date for the update and publish it out to her team.

Josh Vanburen, a plant floor operator, sees that Kadji has assigned the new “Weekly safety walkthrough” update and starts filling out the fields right on his mobile device. He takes photos of some signage that needs maintenance and submits the update.

As Kadji is walking the plant, she sees that Josh submitted his update and can easily see which assigned updates have been submitted and which she is still waiting on. She can even dig deeper to see Josh’s update and make sure everything looks good.

Later in the day, Kadji notices that a machine wasn’t reset during a shift changeover. She goes into the “Incident response team” group chat to alert them of the issue. Inside the group chat, she can easily access the Updates app and creates an “Incident response” update for the group to see without leaving the chat where they communicate on resolving these issues every day.

With Updates in Microsoft Teams, workers can save time and easily manage all their updates in one location without leaving the flow of work. No more outdated tools or manual processes – just streamlined workflows that keep frontline workers and businesses moving forward.