How to Email a Word Document from an iPad

Creating and sending documents from an iPad can be a bit tricky, especially when it comes to emailing a Word document. However, with the right steps, it can be easily done. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to email a Word document from an iPad.

First, open Microsoft Word and create the document you want to send. Once done, press the button located at the top left corner of the screen. This will give you a few options like Save a Copy, Send a Copy, and Export. Click on Send a Copy.

A list of formats will appear, and you can choose to keep the document in Word format or convert it to PDF. Select PDF if you want to send it as an attachment. Now, you have the option to email the document with Outlook or send it with another app. Choose Send with another app.

A list of options will appear, and you can choose to mail your document, use messenger, copy it to your Google Drive, or even copy it to iBooks. However, it’s recommended to save it to Files. This will give you the option to save it on your iCloud Drive or your iPad. Choose iCloud Drive and create a folder to save your PDF files.

Once saved, go to the folder and select the file. Now, you can easily attach any type of PDF to emails that you want to send. To send it via email, simply open the email app and compose a message. Hold down the message area, and an option to add an attachment will appear. Click on it and select the file from your iCloud Drive.

Finally, you can also fill out job applications on your iPad using the same process. Simply upload your resume, and you’re good to go.

In conclusion, emailing Word documents from an iPad is a simple process that can be done in a few easy steps. With this guide, you’ll be able to create, save, and send your documents with ease.