How to Archive Emails in Thunderbird

Archiving emails is an effective way to free up space in your email account and keep your inbox organized. Thunderbird is a popular email client that offers a simple and efficient way to archive emails. In this post, we’ll guide you through the steps to archive emails in Thunderbird.

First, create a folder where you will send your archived mail messages. You can do this in the local folder section by selecting “New Folder” and naming it. For example, you can name it “Test Archive.”

Next, go to your email account in Mozilla Thunderbird and right click on it. Then, select “Settings” and go to “Copies and Folders.” In this section, select “Other” for message archives and choose the folder you just created. This allows you to archive messages in their own separate folders in case you have multiple email addresses.

It’s important to select the archive options and determine how you want them stored. You can choose to keep the existing folder structure, which keeps all information organized as it was in the original folder. You can also choose between yearly or monthly archiving. Yearly archiving is recommended unless you receive a large volume of emails and need to archive them by month.

To archive messages, select all the messages you want to archive. You can archive by year, for example, by selecting all the messages from 2013 and right-clicking to choose “Archive.” Thunderbird will download the email from your email account in the cloud and store a local copy in a folder on your computer.

You can choose to store the archive folder on your computer or a server. Storing archives on a server is recommended for businesses as it allows all employee archives to be regularly backed up in one location.

In conclusion, archiving emails in Thunderbird is a simple and efficient way to keep your inbox organized and free up space in your email account. By following these steps, you can create a folder, select message archives, and archive messages by year or month.