How to Update Normal Style in Word

Word 2007 comes with the default font Calibri, size 11, and line spacing of 1.15. However, you might want to change these settings to suit your preferences. What if you could change these defaults not just for the current document you are creating but for every document you create? This is possible using the Styles section in Word.

To access the Styles window, go to the Home tab and click on the Styles section. Choose the button that says “Manage Styles.” From the four tabs presented, choose “Set Defaults.”

In this section, you can set your preferred font, font size, and line spacing, among other things. For instance, you can switch back to the Times New Roman font, set the font size to 12, and change the line spacing to “single.” You can also adjust the paragraph spacing to your liking. Once you make these changes, click “OK.”

It’s important to note that these changes will only apply to the current document. To make these changes apply to every new document you create, click on the button “New documents based on this template.” Ensure that the checkbox beside it is checked, then click “OK.”

Now, you can create a new blank document to see the changes you’ve made. As you’ll notice, the new document created has the updated font style, font size, and line spacing.

By following these simple steps, you can update the normal style in Microsoft Word to fit your preferences.