How to Save as in Word

Once you have finished creating your document in Microsoft Word, the next step is to save it. There are a couple of things you need to know before doing so. Firstly, if it’s the first time you are saving the document, you can click on the ‘Disk’ icon in the upper right-hand corner or use Ctrl+S to save it. By default, it will save in your college’s OneDrive folder. However, if you want to save it somewhere else, click on ‘More Options,’ which will open the default ‘Save As’ option.

If you have already saved the document before, pressing Ctrl+S or clicking on the ‘Disk’ icon will save it to the file that you have directed previously. It is essential to remember where you save the document, as many people tend to lose it and are unable to find it later.

Typically, I don’t pick the default save location. Instead, I choose ‘This PC’ and click on ‘More Options.’ Doing so will open up the ‘Save As’ option. The document name is defaulting to the first line or sentence within the document, but you can change it to something more recognizable. For example, ‘Sample Word Doc.’

Now, let’s look at where you can save the document. You can save it on your desktop, in documents, downloads, multiple OneDrive folders, or even external media. It’s crucial to remember where you saved the document. However, if you can’t find it, you can come into the recent reopen Microsoft Word, and if you have your recent documents on, you can click on it there.

It’s essential to mention that there are various formats in which you can save the document. You can save it as a default document, a macro, an old version, a template, a macro-enabled template, a PDF, and more. If you want to send a document to someone who does not have Microsoft Word, it’s best to save it as a PDF. This way, they can always open it. You can also secure the document so that it can’t be changed.

In conclusion, while saving a document in Microsoft Word may seem trivial, it’s important to know where you are saving it and in what format. Knowing how to save as in Word is crucial to ensure that your document is easily accessible and secure.