How to Rearrange Pages in Pages Using Sections

One of the new features in Pages, Apple’s word processing application, is the ability to rearrange pages using sections. With this new feature, you can easily rearrange sections of your document just as you would rearrange sheets of paper. This feature is especially useful when writing a story, script or notes for class.

To get started, make sure you have the latest version of Pages (version 5.6 or higher). Once you have created a new blank document, you can create multiple pages with notes. Instead of inserting a page break to create a new page, insert a section break. This will allow you to rearrange the sections of your document.

To insert a section break, simply go to the end of your page and click on “Insert” in the menu bar. Then click on “Section Break”. You can insert as many section breaks as needed. The difference between a page break and a section break is that a section break allows you to select a whole section and rearrange it.

Once you have inserted your section breaks and added your notes, you can start rearranging the sections. To do this, simply click and drag the section to where you want it to be. You can also delete sections by selecting them and hitting the delete key.

To make working with your sections even easier, you can change the size of your page to something like postcard size, which will allow you to see multiple sections on the screen at the same time. You can also increase the size of your text and adjust the size of your page so that you can see more pages at once.

In addition to rearranging sections, you can also add more pages to a section. For example, if you have a section with multiple pages, you can add more text to page 3 and it will automatically update the page thumbnails on the left.

Overall, the new section feature in Pages is a great way to rearrange sections of your document and make working with your notes even easier.