How to Private Message in Facebook

How Do You Private Message Someone on Facebook? Open the friend's profile you want to message. ... Once you're on their profile, select Message under their cover photo. A message box will appear at the bottom of the page.

Sending a private message on Facebook is a great way to have a personal conversation with your friends or even someone you are not friends with on the platform. However, it is crucial to know how to do it properly to avoid mistakenly posting a personal message on a friend’s timeline. In this article, we will show you two ways to private message someone on Facebook.

Method 1: Using the Messages Feature

The first way to private message someone on Facebook is by using the Messages feature. This feature is located on the left side of your Facebook account. Click on it, and you will be taken to where you can view all of your messages and send a new message.

It is essential to note that messages from people you are not friends with on Facebook will be filtered into the “Other” box. Therefore, if you try to message someone who is not your friend, they will not receive a notification, and the message will not be visible in their primary messages.

To send a private message to a friend, click on “New Message,” type the name of the friend that you want to send the message to, and select their name. Before typing your message, ensure that the box that automatically sends a message when you hit the enter key is unchecked. Type your message and hit the reply button when satisfied.

Method 2: Sending a Message Through a Friend’s Profile

The second way to private message someone on Facebook is by going to their profile and sending a message from there. On the person’s profile, you will see a “Message” link. Clicking on it will open a chat window for you to send your message.

It is essential to note that this chat window operates more like a conversation, and messages sent are automatically delivered. Therefore, double-check your message before sending it.

You can attach files and photos to your message or even add emoticons to express your emotions. When finished typing, hit the enter key, and the recipient will receive the message immediately.


Now that you know how to private message someone on Facebook, you can have personal conversations with anyone on the platform without worrying about mistakenly posting your message on a friend’s timeline. Always remember to double-check your message before sending it and use the appropriate method to deliver your message.


Is there private messaging on Facebook?
Private messages only appear in your inbox on Facebook or on the Messenger app.
How do I send a private message on Facebook without Messenger?
You can send a private message to a Facebook Page by opening the page you want to send a message, tapping on the Messenger icon below the cover page, typing your message, and sending it as a private message to a Facebook message.