How to Open Chrome to a Specific Page

Are you tired of opening Chrome and then typing in the URLs of the websites you visit every day? Do you prefer having multiple tabs open at once? Fortunately, customizing your Chrome start page is a simple process that will allow you to open several websites at the same time.

To get started, click on the three vertical dots located in the upper right-hand corner of your Chrome browser. From there, select “Settings.” In the “Appearance” section, you’ll find options for customizing your browser’s start page.

If you want to open a specific page or set of pages when you start Chrome, select the “Open a specific page or set of pages” option. From there, you can add as many pages as you want by clicking “Add new page” and entering the URL of the website you’d like to add. You can also remove pages by clicking on the three vertical dots next to each page and selecting “Remove.”

If you already have multiple tabs open that you’d like to have open automatically when you start Chrome, you can click “Use current pages” to automatically add them.

In addition, you can choose to have Chrome open the last page or set of tabs you were using when you shut down by selecting “Continue where you left off.”

Customizing your Chrome start page is an easy way to save time and simplify your browsing experience. Don’t waste time typing in URLs every time you open Chrome – simply customize your start page and enjoy instant access to all your favorite websites.