How to Change the PowerPoint Template

If you have a PowerPoint presentation that was created with one template but you need to convert it to a different template, don’t worry – it’s a pretty easy process. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps, so you can do it yourself.

First, let’s take a look at the slides you want to convert. You can see that there are four slides, and to demonstrate how different the templates can be, we’ll change the background of one of the slides. To do this, simply right-click on the slide, select “Format Background,” and then choose a pattern fill.

So, how do you convert these slides to a new template? It’s straightforward. First, click on the first slide, and then either hold the shift key and select the last slide you want to convert, or just click on any slide and select “Control A” to select them all. You’ll see that they all have a rectangular outline around them.

Next, right-click on any of the selected slides and select “Copy.” Then, select “File” and go to “New,” and choose the template you want to use as the destination. In this example, we’ll choose “Feature Forward.”

After selecting the new template, click on the drop-down menu and choose “Paste.” You’ll see a few options, but the most important one is “Use Destination Theme.” Select this option, and all of your slides will be converted to the new template.

If you have a slide with a customized background, like we did in this example, don’t worry – it will be changed to match the new template. Once you’ve pasted the slides into the new template, the changes will be applied automatically.

And that’s it! You’ve successfully converted your PowerPoint presentation to a new template.

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