How to Catch Fish in Zelda Breath of the Wild

If you’re playing Zelda Breath of the Wild and are in need of some fish, then Simon from Log Level One Gamer has got you covered with an easy trick to catch lots of fish just by whistling.

The trick is to head to the left-hand side of Lurelin Village where you’ll find the ocean and a flock of seagulls gathering above a giant pack of fish in the sea. Use Chronosis to get yourself out to the sea and stand behind the fish so they’re facing towards the shore. Start whistling and the fish will start moving towards the shore. Keep whistling and use Chronosis to move forwards as the shadows of the fish swim towards the shore where they can get stuck. Once they’re stuck, you can pick them up.

This trick will work on any shore that the fish can get onto and get stuck, so if you find a good location, let everyone know in the comments. Simon also suggests trying under the Robono Bridge on Lake Hylia for another good location.

Once you’ve caught your fish, why not try out some fish recipes? Simon recommends throwing five hearty bass into the cooker on the fire to make fish skewers which will give you full recovery and 11 temporary hearts.

If you need more hearty bass, head to the Mountain Rhoam water area and shoot a lightning arrow to shock the fish. Alternatively, head to the Farron Region by the Barra Forest where there’s a quadrant of water with two pillars. Dive onto one of the pillars and chuck a bomb into the water to catch loads of hearty bass.

So there you have it, an easy way to catch fish in Zelda Breath of the Wild. If you enjoyed this tip, check out Simon’s other videos for more gaming content.