Samsung TV Won’t Show Up on Airplay: Possible Solutions

If you’re having trouble airplaying content from your iPhone, iPad, or MacBook to your Samsung TV, you’re not alone. This can be a frustrating issue, but fortunately, there are several things you can try to fix it.

The first thing to check is your Samsung TV’s Wi-Fi connection. Make sure it’s properly connected and that the Bluetooth settings are enabled. Head to the settings menu of your Samsung TV, click on General, and then on Network. Ensure that your network connection settings are properly set up. This is often the culprit, and fixing this issue should solve the problem.

Another thing you can do is to re-enable your airplay settings in your TV settings. Head to General Settings again, click on the Apple Airplay settings at the bottom, and then click on the Airplay setting. Switch it from On to Off and then back On. This may fix the issue, and it’s something that has worked for many.

If these fixes don’t solve the problem, check for software updates on your iPhone, iPad, or MacBook. You may be on an older version that has compatibility issues with airplay. Go to your update panel and update your specific version of the iOS or macOS software that you’re on.

You can also try updating your TV software by heading to General Settings, clicking on Support, and finding the software update panel. Check for available updates and update your TV if there is one available.

If none of these solutions work, try restarting your TV and your idevice. This usually solves most issues that arise with electronic devices.

In conclusion, if your Samsung TV won’t show up on airplay, there are several things you can try to fix it. Check your Wi-Fi connection, re-enable airplay settings, update your software, update your TV software, and restart your TV and idevice. With these possible solutions, you should be able to stream your content to your Samsung TV in no time.