Non-Speaker Showing Layer Added: How to Manage Audio Conflict in Your eLearning Course

Have you ever encountered a problem where the audio on your base layer plays at the same time as the audio on your slide layer? If so, you’re not alone! This is a common issue that eLearning course creators face, but fortunately, there are several solutions you can try to resolve it.

One way to tackle this conflict is by pausing the timeline of the base layer when the user clicks on the slide layer. To do this, simply add a trigger that says “pause timeline of base layer” in the properties of the slide layer. This will pause the audio on the base layer when the user clicks on the slide layer and resume it when they return to the base layer.

If you don’t want the user to click on the slide layer until the audio on the base layer is complete, you can disable the button that leads to the slide layer at first. Then, create a trigger that changes the state of the button to “normal” when the audio on the base layer is complete. This way, the user can only access the slide layer once the audio on the base layer has finished playing.

But what if you have instructions that you don’t want the user to hear twice, even if they revisit the slide? This is where a true/false variable comes in handy. You can create a variable that tracks whether the user has visited the slide before, and then set a trigger that only plays the audio if the variable is false. Once the user visits the slide, the variable changes to true, and they won’t hear the instructions again if they revisit the slide.

By implementing these techniques, you can effectively manage audio conflicts in your eLearning course and create a seamless learning experience for your users. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out for further assistance.