How to Use Defraggler for Better Computer Performance

If you are experiencing slow computer performance, a possible reason could be fragmented files on your hard drive. Fortunately, there’s a program called Defraggler that can help with this issue. In this post, we’ll show you how to use Defraggler to optimize your computer’s performance.

First, you need to download and install Defraggler. You can download it from the official website of its parent company, Piriform. Once you have installed it, open the program and click on “Analyze” to see the analysis of your hard drive. This step is important because it will show you which files are fragmented and which ones are not.

Defraggler will display the file types and their state. Red files are fragmented, blue files are not fragmented, and page files will not be moved. Once the analysis is complete, you can choose to defrag only the fragmented files or the whole system. It’s recommended to defrag the whole system on the first run.

After you have chosen the defrag option, Defraggler will start relocating all your files to make them contiguous. This process may take a while depending on the size of your hard drive and the number of files. You can let the program do its work, and once it’s done, it will show you a report of the defragmentation process.

Defragging your hard drive with Defraggler will improve your computer’s performance by allowing it to access data faster. It’s important to note that you should defrag your computer regularly to maintain its performance. If your computer has never been defragged, it’s recommended to run Defraggler multiple times.

In conclusion, Defraggler is an excellent program to optimize your computer’s performance by defragmenting your hard drive. With this program, you can easily relocate and organize your files to allow your computer to run more smoothly. Give it a try and see the difference in your computer’s performance.