How to Transfer Your Apple Music Library to Spotify

If you’re a music lover, it’s understandable that you may switch music providers from time to time. However, the main challenge of switching is usually the worry that you can’t take your music with you. Fortunately, there’s a solution to this problem.

There’s a free app called SongShift that allows you to transfer your music from one provider to another. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to transfer your music library from Apple Music to Spotify using SongShift.

First, download the SongShift app from the App Store for free. For Android users, there are similar apps available on the Play Store, such as Free Your Music.

Once you’ve downloaded SongShift, open the app and set up your music services. SongShift supports several providers, including Apple Music and Spotify. You’ll need to allow certain permissions and sign into your accounts for both services.

After linking your sources, you can start the transfer process. Tap the plus icon at the top to start a new shift, then choose your source. For this tutorial, we’re using Apple Music. Next, choose whether you want to shift albums, playlists, or songs. Select playlists, then choose which playlists to transfer. You can do this one at a time or toggle on the multiple playlist switch option.

Once you’ve chosen the playlists you want, tap done at the top. Now choose Spotify as the destination, ensure new playlist is selected, then hit continue and I’m finished. SongShift will start to process the transfer. If you want to manually check on the process, tap on the processing option at the top.

After SongShift finishes processing, it will ask you to confirm matches, then shift the music across to your new account. Depending on how many playlists you have, it could take some time to match and generate your new playlists. However, it’s worth noting that SongShift discovered almost all of the songs in every playlist.

If you want to transfer your music from Spotify to Apple Music, the process is the same. Simply choose Spotify as the source and Apple Music as the destination.

With SongShift, transferring your music library between different services is easy and hassle-free. If you’re looking to make a switch, give it a try!