How to Stream Twitch to YouTube: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re a Twitch streamer looking to expand your reach, uploading your past streams to YouTube is a great way to do so. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the simple steps to export your Twitch streams to YouTube.

First, make sure you’re signed in to your Twitch account and navigate to the “Video Producer” section in the top right corner of the page. From here, you can export past broadcasts directly to YouTube. However, before you do this, you’ll need to make sure your Twitch and YouTube accounts are connected. To do this, go to “Account Settings” and click on “Connections.” You’ll see an option to connect your YouTube account here – simply follow the prompts to complete the connection.

Once your accounts are connected, go back to the “Video Producer” section and select the past broadcast you want to export. Click the “Export” button and a dialog box will appear where you can enter the title, description, and tags for your video. We recommend uploading your videos as private so you can edit the description and fill out more information before the video goes live.

If your stream is longer, you can split it up into 15-minute segments. Note that non-verified YouTube accounts can only upload videos up to 15 minutes long, but it’s easy to verify your account if you need to.

After you hit “Start Export,” you won’t receive a confirmation, but you can navigate to your YouTube account to see if the video is processing. Go to “YouTube Studio” and then “Content” on the left bar. You should see your video processing here – it may take a few hours to upload and process, so be patient!

And that’s it! By following these simple steps, you can easily export your Twitch streams to YouTube and expand your audience.