How to Stop Long Running Scripts on Internet Explorer

Are you tired of receiving script error messages when using Internet Explorer? Do you want to prevent these error messages from constantly appearing and potentially causing your browser to crash? In this tutorial, we’ll go over how to disable and hide these error messages on Internet Explorer.

First, it’s important to note that this tutorial applies to all operating systems, regardless of what version of Windows you’re running. We’ll start by opening up Internet Explorer and heading to the tools icon in the top right corner. It’s important to note that this is not the same as Microsoft Edge, so make sure you’re in the right browser.

Once you’ve clicked on the tools icon, select “internet options” from the bottom of the drop-down menu. From there, head over to the “Advanced” tab on the far right. Scroll down to the browsing section and find the options to “disable script debugging” for Internet Explorer and “disable script debugging” for other. Both of these should be enabled.

Finally, make sure to uncheck the option to “display a notification about every script error.” Once you’ve made these changes, click on “apply” and “okay” and then restart your Internet Explorer browser. With any luck, your issues with long running scripts should be resolved.

It’s important to note that this tutorial will only prevent error messages from appearing and potentially causing your browser to crash. If you have underlying issues, this tutorial may not be able to help you with those. However, by following these steps, you can make your browsing experience on Internet Explorer much smoother and more enjoyable.