How to Start Windows 8 in Safe Mode

1 Option 1: If you are not signed in to Windows, click on the power icon, press and hold Shift, and click Restart. Option 2: ... 3 Select Advanced options. 5 Select the option of your choice, for safe mode press 4 or F4. 6 A different start-up settings with appear, select Restart. Your PC will restart in safe mode.

Starting Windows 8 in Safe Mode may seem difficult, especially if you are familiar with the previous versions of Windows operating systems. In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to boot into Safe Mode in Windows 8/8.1. Although both versions have different interfaces, the steps are identical.

Method 1: Using the MSConfig Command

The first method involves using the MSConfig command. To start, open the Run dialog box by pressing Windows + R keys, then type msconfig, and click OK. The dialog box will display multiple options. Move to the BOOT tab, and select Safe Boot in Boot options. Confirm the changes by pressing Apply and OK. Windows 8 or 8.1 will ask you to restart the PC, which will then boot into Safe Mode. Once you have completed the work, revert back the changes by following the same procedure. Open Run by pressing Windows + R keys, type msconfig, and click OK. Go to the BOOT tab and deselect the Safe Boot option. Confirm the changes by pressing Apply and OK. Restart the PC to enter normal PC mode.

Method 2: Using the Shift + Restart Option

The second method may require more attention because it involves selecting options during the start-up. When the OS boots completely in normal mode, open Charm Bar, then Settings, then Power. Press Shift and select Restart (Shift + Restart). A blue screen with multiple options will appear. Select Troubleshoot, then Advanced Options, then Startup settings. The screen will display multiple points of what you can do by changing startup settings. Confirm by selecting Restart. A few options will appear, and you can select them using numbers on the keyboard. To enable Safe Mode, press 4 on the keyboard. Windows 8/8.1 will boot into Safe Mode. To boot into normal mode, restart the PC.

These methods are easy to follow and can help you enter Safe Mode on Windows 8/8.1. If you face any issues, feel free to comment below. Do share or thumb up this post if you find it useful.


How do I force my computer to start in Safe Mode?
If your computer has a single operating system installed, press and hold the F8 key as your computer restarts. ... If your computer has more than one operating system, use the arrow keys to highlight the operating system you want to start in safe mode, and then press F8.
Does F8 work on Windows 8?
If you entered the command correctly, Windows will report that the "The operation completed successfully.". You now need to restart your computer for the change to go into effect. With these settings configured, you can now press F8 while Windows 8 starts in order to access Safe Mode and other Advanced Boot options.
How do I start my computer in Safe Mode if F8 doesn't work?
Select the Power button in the lower-right corner of your Windows and long-press the Shift key on the keyboard to restart. Then, select Options>, Troubleshoot>, Advanced Options>, Startup Options>, Safe Mode in the next screen.
Why is my F8 not working Windows 8?
You can manually fix the “F8 key in Windows 8 not working” problem through Command Prompt with administrator privileges. The basic command looks like this: “bcdedit / set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy”. Press Enter.