How to Set Up Google Voice Call Forwarding with Custom Rules

Google Voice has had a feature for a while now that allows users to set custom rules for how incoming calls should be handled. However, this feature was not brought into the newer version of Google Voice until recently. With this new feature, Google Voice users can set custom rules for their contacts. For instance, if you want all calls from certain contacts to go straight to voicemail, you can do that with this feature. You can also forward calls from certain contacts to another number.

Since this feature is new, it cannot be found in the Google Voice application yet. To access it, you need to log into the Google Voice website on the web. Although it is easier to do on the desktop, you can also do this on your smartphone. However, make sure you have Chrome set to open the desktop site on your smartphone.

Once you have the Google Voice website open, look at the top right corner and tap on the cog or gear icon to dive into the settings area. From there, look on the left side of the website and tap the calls option. Scroll down a little bit until you see the custom call forwarding box. This section is only available on the desktop version of the website as of right now. However, Google is expected to expand this feature to other interfaces.

If you do not already have rules added to your account, tap the create a rule button to begin. You can search through your labels, numbers, or contacts right there. You also have quick access to your labels and an “others” option which is quite useful for the anonymous callers that many of us get on Google Voice.

In this example, if you want to create a rule for anonymous callers, tap the checkbox to bring that option up to the top and add it to the selected section. Then, look toward the right and tap the next option to go to the next page. This is where you can set up the custom rules. For example, if you want to forward the call, tap that option and then you get additional options to forward calls from anonymous callers. You can ring additional devices in your my devices section, forward them to linked numbers if the call isn’t answered, set a voicemail greeting, or screen the call in general. You can also send all these straight to voicemail and choose the voicemail greeting.

According to Google’s blog post, this new feature is now available to all Google Voice users. However, some reports mention that it is only going to be rolled out to those in the United States. Let us know in the comments section if you’re seeing this new feature and if you’re in the United States or not. Also, if you’re already using this new feature, share with us how you’re using it as it could be very handy for particular use cases.