How to Run Diagnostics on Mac: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you suspect that your Mac is having hardware issues, using Apple Diagnostics is a quick and easy way to check for any problems. In this article, we will take you through the steps to run Apple Diagnostics on both Intel-based and Apple Silicon-based Macs.

Before running the diagnostics, it is important to prepare your Mac. Disconnect all external devices except for the keyboard, mouse, display, and Ethernet connection (if applicable). Also, make sure your Mac is on a hard, flat, and stable surface with good ventilation.

For Intel-based Macs, there are two ways to run Apple Diagnostics. The first method involves using the command line. To do so, open Terminal and execute the following commands one by one:


sudo /usr/libexec/diagnosticd

sudo reboot


Your Mac will reboot, and after the loading is finished, you will need to connect to a working Wi-Fi network. Apple Diagnostics will then load, giving you the option to agree to their terms and start the diagnostics.

The second method involves using a keyboard shortcut. Turn on your Mac and immediately press and hold the D key on your keyboard. Release the key when you see a progress bar or are asked to choose a language. After the loading is finished, connect to a working Wi-Fi network, and Apple Diagnostics will start.

For Apple Silicon-based Macs, there is only one way to initiate Apple Diagnostics. You will need to boot your device to Startup Manager. Turn on your Mac and continue to press and hold the power button. Release when you see the startup options window, which includes the gear icon labeled “options.” To start the diagnostics, press and hold Command + D on your keyboard. After selecting your language, connect to a working Ethernet or Wi-Fi network. If your Mac isn’t connected, Diagnostics will throw an error.

Once the testing is complete, Apple Diagnostics will show the results, including one or more reference codes. You can learn more about these reference codes by checking the description below the video or clicking on the “get started” link.

In conclusion, running Apple Diagnostics is a straightforward process that can save you time and money. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can quickly check your Mac for any hardware issues and get them resolved as soon as possible.