How to Reset Tile Without Phone: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re a Tile user, you know how important it is to keep your Tile connected to your phone. But what happens if you lose your phone or it dies? Is there a way to reset your Tile without your phone? The answer is yes, and we’re going to show you how.

First, let’s talk about a cool feature that Tile recently added. You can now wake up your Tile by double-tapping it. This feature works by connecting your Tile to the Chipolo app. Once you activate the Chipolo wake-up feature in your Jawbone app and wait about 10 minutes, you can double-tap your Tile to ring your phone, even if the Tile app isn’t running.

Now, let’s move on to resetting your Tile without your phone. The process is simple. All you need to do is press and hold the button on your Tile for about 10 seconds. You’ll know the reset is complete when the Tile chimes.

After resetting your Tile, you’ll need to set it up again. To do this, download the Tile app on a new device and follow the setup instructions. If you have any issues setting up your Tile, you can contact Tile support for help.

To test your reset Tile, you can do a location test. Place the Tile in a different location and check if the Tile app can detect it. If it does, your Tile is working correctly.

In conclusion, resetting your Tile without your phone is easy to do. Just press and hold the button on your Tile for about 10 seconds, and your Tile will reset. Remember to set it up again on a new device and test it to make sure everything is working correctly.