How to Remove Fingerprints from MacBook Screen

If you own a MacBook with a Retina display, you know that keeping it clean from fingerprints and smudges can be quite challenging. While using cleaning products like Windex might seem like a good idea, it can actually damage the coating on the screen and leave residue behind. This is where a simple technique using a soft cotton shirt and room temperature water comes in handy.

To start, you’ll need a 100% cotton shirt and room temperature water. Avoid using tissues or paper towels as they can leave small residues on the screen. Make sure the shirt is clean and doesn’t have any lint or dust that could scratch the display.

Next, spray the water all over the shirt and smudge it together so that it won’t spread too much. From here, you can start cleaning the screen in an up-and-down motion, being careful not to press too hard and crack the LCD. Use the dry side of the shirt to dry it up.

Avoid spraying water directly onto the screen as it can inject into the keyboard or somewhere else where you don’t want it to be. Also, avoid using cleaning products as they can damage the coating on the screen. After cleaning it with the shirt and water, your MacBook screen should look clean and free of fingerprints and smudges.

In conclusion, cleaning your MacBook Retina display is very easy with just a soft cotton shirt and room temperature water. It’s important to avoid using cleaning products and spraying water directly onto the screen to prevent damage to the coating. With this simple technique, you can keep your MacBook screen looking clean and new.