How to Remove Date from Photo: A Step-by-Step Guide

Having a date imprinted on a photograph may be considered useful by some, but most people find it irritating. There is no real need for it, as the latest models of digital cameras save the date the picture was taken in image settings and it can just be easily accessible on the computer. There are times when you want to edit your photo to remove a date stamp from a photo or other features. You might have a picture of your family, but there is someone in the background. You can actually use software to remove anything from a photo, from a date stamp to people to other objects that you don’t want to see.

One program that can make this easy for you to do is Photo Stamp Remover. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to remove a date stamp from a photo using this program:

1. Launch the program and click on “Add Files”.

2. Select the photo you want to remove the date stamp from.

3. Select the date stamp using the marker tool.

4. Click on “Remove”.

5. You can also use the color selection tool to do this. This method is easier and will work in batch mode if the date position is different, like for vertical and horizontal photos.

6. The rectangular selection tool is a great option to limit the color selection to the date stamp area. You can select the date stamp area with the rectangular selection tool first and then use the color selection tool. The date stamp remover will remove this color in the selected area only, not on the whole photo.

7. For best results, it is recommended to try all the object removing modes like in painting, hole filling, texture generation, and quick remove. Choose the results which gave you the best results.

8. This program also allows you to remove date stamps from multiple photos. You can remove the date stamps from thousands of photos all at once. Just click on batch mode and then click on “Remove”. This will automatically remove date stamps from all the photos.

9. You may use the dilate slider to select date stamp that is border, for example, a black outline surrounding the date stamp. When you select it by yellow color, this will also remove surrounding black outline.

10. There is also an option for removing a date stamp using the clone stamp tool. It will be handy when you want to delete the date stamp of a different size on a different photo.

For future photography, using your camera or phone to eliminate all the hassle, you should turn off the date stamp and camera settings.

By following these simple steps, you can easily remove the date stamp from any photo using Photo Stamp Remover. Click the link on the video to view a more detailed tutorial and to download the program.

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