How to Get Your Podcast Picked up by a Network

Podcast networks have become increasingly popular, and many of the most successful podcasts are part of one. Some examples of podcast networks include Wondery, Earwolf, Radiotopia, and PodcastOne. But what are the pros and cons of joining or starting a podcast network? In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of becoming part of a podcast network.

One of the most significant benefits of joining a podcast network is that it provides easier access to sponsors. Advertisers often look for shows with large numbers of downloads, and networks will bundle their shows together to negotiate better rates and attract larger sponsors. By joining a podcast network, you can gain access to sponsors that may not have been interested in your show otherwise.

Another benefit of podcast networks is that they can help your podcast grow faster. Cross-promotion happens frequently in networks, and this can expose your show to a broader audience. By guest-starring on other shows and promoting each other’s new episodes and seasons, you can increase your visibility and gain new subscribers.

However, there are some things to be mindful of when joining a podcast network. The first is that you may have to give up some creative control. Networks often require you to run the ads they want you to run, and they may restrict the kind of content you can produce.

Additionally, some podcast networks take ownership of your show. It’s important to read the fine print and ensure that you can take your show with you if you decide to leave the network. Alternatively, the network may require you to switch to their preferred podcast hosting platform, which may not be a good fit for you.

So, should you join a podcast network? If you want to grow your audience, make some money on the side, and are willing to give up some creative control, then a podcast network may be a good fit for you. However, if maintaining creative control is most important to you, then staying independent may be the better option.

If you want some of the benefits of a podcast network without giving up creative control, you can start your own informal podcast network. By collaborating with other podcasters with similar audiences or subject matter, you can cross-promote on each other’s shows and negotiate with sponsors as a collective.

Joining a podcast network can have many benefits, but it’s important to weigh them against the drawbacks. By considering your goals and priorities, you can determine whether a podcast network is the right choice for you.