How to Get Wii Games for Free: Accessing Wii Games Online in 2020

Are you looking for a way to access Wii games online without the need for any homebrew software or an SD card? Look no further! In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to get Wii games for free in 2020 using just your Wii console.

First, go to the Wii options on your console and select Wii settings. Make sure your Wii is on version 4.3. If not, update your Wii before continuing with the tutorial.

Next, go to page 2 and select Internet, then Connection Settings. If you don’t have a spare connection, click on one of your connections and clear it. Once you’ve done that, click on the spare connection and select wireless connection. Search for an access point and choose your Wi-Fi network, inputting the password or key when prompted.

Following this, perform a connection test, which should be successful. You may get a prompt asking you to perform a Wii update, but press no. Click on Change Settings and navigate to the Auto Obtain DNS page. Click no, and then go to Advanced Settings for your primary DNS. Change it to You can leave it at that or try making your secondary DNS, which uses Google servers. Click confirm, then save and OK. Another connection test will occur, which may take some time. If successful, click no.

Now go back to the agreement/contact page and click yes. Click Next, and your Wii should connect to the internet and bring you to a Wiimmfi page. Wait for roughly two minutes, and the Wiimmfi patcher should appear. Choose the game you want to play, and it should load normally. Navigate to the online section of the game, and it should connect to online.

Note that not all games may be active, with Mario Kart Wii being one of the only games that typically has active rooms. You can check who’s online on what games on the Wiimmfi website.

That’s it! You can now play Wii games online for free without the need for any homebrew software or an SD card. If you need any help, leave a comment below, and we’ll try to assist you.