How to Fix Margin on Word: Three Easy Ways

Change default margins Select Layout >, Margins >, Custom Margins. Set your margins. Select Set As Default. Confirm your selection.

Setting margins is an important aspect of document formatting. In Microsoft Word, there are three different ways to adjust page margins. These methods include using the ruler, preset margins, and custom margins. In this post, we’ll walk you through the steps of each method to help you fix margin on Word.

Before we dive into the methods, it is important to note that the ruler method is only recommended for short documents. If your document is long or has multiple sections, it is better to use the preset or custom margin methods.

Method 1: Using the Ruler

First, make sure the ruler is visible. If it is not, select the View tab in the ribbon and then select Ruler in the Show group. Once your document is open, press Ctrl + A on your keyboard to select the entire document. Alternatively, you can select the entire document by selecting the Home tab in the ribbon, followed by the Select button in the Editing group, and then selecting Select All from the drop-down menu.

Next, hover your cursor over the inner border of the gray area on the left or right end of the horizontal ruler until your cursor becomes a double arrow. You should see a tooltip that says, “Left margin” or “Right margin.” Slide the double-arrow cursor to the left or right to adjust the margin. To adjust the top or bottom margins, hover your cursor over the inner border of the gray area of the vertical ruler until your cursor once again becomes a double arrow. Then, slide the double arrow up or down to adjust the margin.

Method 2: Using Preset Margins

To use preset margins, select the Layout tab in the ribbon. Then, select Margins. A drop-down menu will appear with several options. Choose the option that best fits your needs. For example, if you are formatting a document for printing, you may want to choose the “Normal” margin option.

Method 3: Creating Custom Margins

To create custom margins, select the Layout tab in the ribbon and then select Margins. At the bottom of the drop-down menu, select Custom Margins. A dialog box will appear where you can enter your desired margin values. Once you have entered your values, select OK to apply the changes.

In conclusion, adjusting margins in Microsoft Word is an easy process. Whether you choose to use the ruler, preset margins, or custom margins, these methods can help you fix margin on Word. Just remember to choose the method that best fits your needs and document type.


Why are my margins messed up in Word?
If your document is in Print Layout view and the top and bottom margins appear to be cut off, the option for hiding margins has been switched on. Here's how to switch it off: Point to the top or bottom of a page until the pointer becomes a double-pointed arrow, and then double-click.
How do you set margins?
Scroll to the bottom of the window and select Page setup. Enter your desired margins (in inches) into the fields labeled Top, Bottom, Left, and Right at the right of the pop-up window under the Margins heading. Click OK.