How to Fix Blue Tint on TV: A Step-by-Step Guide

Start by opening your TV's menu and navigating to the “Picture” or “Display” section. From there, look for an option called “Color Temperature” or “White Balance.” Try different settings until you find one that eliminates the blue tint.

Do you have an LG TV that is turning blue? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. In fact, many LED LG TVs have this issue. But before you decide to throw away your TV and buy a new one, you might want to try fixing it yourself. In this post, we’ll show you how to fix the blue tint on your LG TV.

First, let’s start with a disclaimer. If you’re not familiar with the internals of your TV or don’t feel confident doing this repair, we suggest seeking professional help. But if you’re up for a challenge, let’s get started.

You’ll need a few tools for this repair: a screwdriver, a pair of suction cups (or any tool that can be used to remove TV panels), and a soldering iron.

Start by removing all the screws from the back panel of your TV. Once you’ve done that, you can remove the back panel by lifting it from the bottom of the TV towards the top to relieve some retention clips. With the back panel off, you’ll get a look at some of the components, such as the two speakers, power supply, and TV’s main board.

Next, remove the speakers to get them out of the way, followed by the IR receiver and ribbon cables going to the LCD panel. Remove the screw securing the plastic chassis to the metal frame of the TV. Flip the panel over and begin removing the plastic chassis by relieving a series of retention clips around the outside of the panel. Be careful as this part is a bit tedious.

After that, remove the retaining tape securing the data boards for the LCD panel. Secure these data boards to the panel with a bit of electrical tape. Then, use a pair of suction cups to remove the LED panel. If you don’t have suction cups, you can do it the dumb way (as the YouTuber suggests).

Once the LED panel is removed, remove the diffusing panels from the assembly while being sure to note the order and orientation so you can easily reinstall them. Now we’re down to the LEDs in the reflector panel. Remove the retention clips holding the diffusing panels to the metal assembly. Once that’s removed, remove the three diffusing panels from the assembly.

Now we’re left with the LED strips adhered to the metal assembly. Remove the reflective panel and validate that you have the correct replacements before continuing. If your new LED strips didn’t come with diffusers pre-installed, save yours for reinstallation. You can use hot glue, super glue, or just about any other glue to secure them in place once the new strips are installed.

Finally, remove the cable supplying power to your LED strips by pulling perpendicular to the plug, not horizontally. Time to get the soldering hardware out for the new ones. After toiling a bit in frustration, solder the new LED strips to the power cable. Once you’re done, put the TV back together, and you’re good to go!

With $30 in parts, your TV has been given a second lease on life, while your e-waste impact has gone down. We hope you found this guide helpful. Good luck!


What causes blue tint on TV?
A blue screen on your Television can indicate a problem with the TV/video input. If the issue fails to turn off, it could mean the TV's internal memory is overcharged, or the power capacitors are faulty.
Why is my TV screen blue tint Samsung?
In conclusion, a blue tint issue on a Samsung TV can be caused by several factors, including incorrect color temperature settings, poor calibration, aging displays, and faulty hardware.