How to Find Old Pictures of Yourself on the Internet

Have you ever wondered if there are any pictures of you online that you didn’t post yourself? It can be a tricky question to answer, but Ruth Carter, a licensed attorney in Arizona, has some tips that may help.

Firstly, if you have the original photo and are wondering if someone has posted it online without your consent, you can use Google’s reverse image search to see if it shows up anywhere online. However, if you don’t have the photo and are just looking for pictures of yourself in general, it may be difficult to find every image of you on the internet. Unless you are tagged in the photo, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to locate it easily.

But why do you care if there are photos of you online? If it’s an intimate photo that you expected to be private, that’s a different story. But if it’s a picture taken at a public event, you may not have any recourse. Even if you do find the photo and you’re unhappy about it, you may not have any legal options.

However, Carter recommends setting up a Google Alert for your own name. This way, you’ll be alerted any time something new about you is posted online. While this won’t necessarily help you find old pictures of yourself, it will help you keep track of any new material that appears online.

In conclusion, finding old pictures of yourself on the internet can be difficult, especially if you don’t have the original photo. While there may not be much you can do about pictures taken at public events, setting up a Google Alert for your name can help you keep track of any new material that appears online.