How to Delete Echo History: A Quick Guide

Have you ever used Remember This to have your Echo remember things, but then found yourself wanting to delete some of those memories? In this article, we’ll do a quick recap of Remember This and show you how to delete things remembered.

Remember This is a great feature introduced by Amazon not too long ago. It allows you to ask your device to remember things for you. For example, you can say “computer, remember the new neighbors’ names are Bob and Kelly,” and your Echo will store that information for you. Later on, you can ask your device “computer, what are the new neighbors’ names?” and it will remind you that you told it their names are Bob and Kelly.

But what if you mess up and ask your device to remember the wrong thing? Or what if you just want to delete something you asked it to remember a while ago? Here’s how you can do it.

If you want to delete something right after you ask your Echo to remember it, you can go into the Alexa app and modify or delete the card that is created. But if you want to delete or modify memories you’ve asked your Echo to remember in the past, you can say “computer, tell me all your memories.” Your Echo will then show you a card in the Alexa app with everything it has stored. From there, you can hit the delete button to get rid of a memory or modify the text to update it.

It’s as simple as that! To summarize, there are two ways to delete or modify memories: you can either delete the card right after you make it, or say “tell me all your memories” and it’ll show you a card on the home screen of the Alexa app. There, you can either hit the delete button or modify the text so that the memory will come back the way that you want it.

We hope you found this article helpful. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to let us know. And if you use Remember This, we’d love to hear what kind of things you have your Echo remember for you!