How to Connect Audio Technica Bluetooth with the ATL P 60 BT Turntable

The ATL P 60 BT turntable is a fully automatic belt drive turntable that comes with an integral Bluetooth wireless transmitter. This feature allows you to connect it with other audio devices using Bluetooth wireless technology. The turntable is designed to work with the SBC codec and the a2dp Bluetooth profile, making it compatible with Audio Technica wireless headphones and other Bluetooth devices that use the same protocol.

Additionally, the turntable provides an analog audio output with a built-in switchable preamp. You can use this output to connect directly to a stereo system, powered speakers, or other analog audio input. However, to use the turntable with another Bluetooth receiver device, you first need to pair or register it.

The pairing process allows devices using Bluetooth technology to recognize and communicate with each other. Once the pairing process is complete, the devices remain paired even if they are turned off. The ATL P 60 BT can be paired with up to eight compatible Bluetooth devices. However, it will only communicate with one other Bluetooth device at a time.

Here’s how to connect Audio Technica Bluetooth with the ATL P 60 BT turntable:

1. Place the other Bluetooth device close to the turntable. This is to ensure that the pairing process performs correctly. Once paired, the devices can be separated by up to 10 meters or 30 feet line-of-sight.

2. Place the Bluetooth receiving device in pairing mode, which allows it to discover other Bluetooth signals. For this scenario, a powered Bluetooth speaker will be used. Pressing the pairing button on the speaker causes the associated LED to blink, indicating that the speaker is ready to be paired.

3. Locate the wireless function button on the turntable. This button is used to activate the Bluetooth transmitter and to pair the turntable with other Bluetooth receiving devices. The button illuminates and changes color during the pairing process. Make sure not to cover it completely while pressing it so that you can see the color change.

4. Press and hold the wireless function button to begin the pairing process. While the button is pressed, it will flash purple to indicate that the Bluetooth transmitter is powering on. It will flash purple a second time to indicate that the turntable is entering pairing mode. After the second purple flash, release the button. The button flashes red and blue, indicating that the turntable’s wireless transmitter is in pairing mode.

5. Once the turntable is successfully paired, the wireless function button will turn solid blue. The turntable will now remain paired with the speaker even if power is turned off. When the turntable’s function button flashes blue, it means that the turntable’s Bluetooth transmitter is active but not paired with another Bluetooth device. If this is the case, put the turntable back into pairing mode by first pressing the wireless function button to turn off the Bluetooth transmitter. After a moment, press and hold the wireless function button until it flashes purple and continues to press it until it flashes purple a second time. Then, release the button. It should now be flashing red-and-blue, indicating that the turntable is in pairing mode.

Most Bluetooth devices, including the turntable, will pair fairly quickly. If the turntable does not see the other Bluetooth device after about 30 seconds, pairing mode automatically times out, and the wireless function button extinguishes. If either device times out while trying to pair, simply put them back into pairing mode and repeat the pairing process.

Depending on the device being paired with the turntable, you may also find that it works better to place the turntable into pairing mode first, followed by the receiving device. In some situations, previously paired Bluetooth devices can become unpaired. If this happens, simply re-perform the pairing process.

When using the turntable with a pair of Bluetooth devices, make sure the wireless function button is lit solid blue. If not, press and hold the button for about 2 seconds. It will flash purple, indicating the Bluetooth transmitter is powered on, and solid blue, indicating the turntable is transmitting to a paired Bluetooth device.

When the turntable is transmitting via Bluetooth, the Bluetooth receiving device is used to control volume, equalization, and other audio-related functions. The ATL P 60 BT can also transmit to Audio Technica Bluetooth-enabled headphones. Simply pair the headphones to the turntable using the pairing process.

For more information, visit the Audio Technica website.