How to Claim on AppleCare: A First-Hand Experience

If you’re an iPhone user, you know how important it is to get AppleCare for your device. Accidents happen, and when they do, it’s good to have some coverage. In this blog post, we’ll take you through the whole process of claiming on AppleCare for an iPhone 14 Pro that we destroyed by dropping it from 1,000 feet.

First, let’s start with the repair process. We took the smashed iPhone to the Apple Store, and fortunately, we had AppleCare. We recorded the whole process to give you an idea of how long it takes to get a new iPhone and whether they can repair it.

As soon as we entered the store, we showed the damaged phone to an employee. He was amazed and asked how it happened. We explained that we had dropped it from 1,000 feet. He had a hard time believing us and asked us again, “How high did you drop it?” We confirmed that it was indeed 1,000 feet, and he was impressed that some parts still worked.

He then asked if we had AppleCare for the device. We confirmed that we did, and he told us that if it was just a screen, it could potentially be 99 Euros, but with AppleCare, we would get a whole new iPhone. We were pleased to hear that and asked how long it would take to get a new iPhone. He said that if they had it in stock, it would take only 20 minutes.

We then walked around the store to find the reactions of other employees who saw the totally smashed iPhone. It was one of the strongest hits that they had ever seen, and fortunately, we had AppleCare to cover it.

After making a note of the issue, the employee told us that they would check in a few minutes. 20 minutes later, we were amazed by how well the AppleCare works. We were able to get a new iPhone within 20 minutes, and we only had to pay 99 Euros. If we had not had AppleCare and paid for the repair directly to Apple, it would have taken around 600 Euros to get a new iPhone repaired.

In this case, it was super smooth, and we have to give credits to Apple for that. AppleCare is really helpful, and they just give you a new phone. It’s that simple.

To protect our new iPhone, we got a Nuclear Pasta case, which is one of our own brand of cases. If you want to check them out, we’ll include a link down below.

We hope this blog post helped you get an overview of how the AppleCare works. If you’re an iPhone user, we highly recommend getting AppleCare for your device. Thanks for reading, and we’ll see you in the next one!