How to Change Camera in Google Meet: Troubleshooting Tips

Google Meet is a popular tool for video conferencing that allows you to connect with people all over the world. However, it can be frustrating when you start a new meeting and your camera fails to turn on. In this blog post, we will discuss some troubleshooting tips to help you change your camera in Google Meet.

The first step is to check your video camera settings. If your camera is off, go to settings in your browser and type “camera” in the search bar. Scroll down and click on the camera to make sure it’s not blocked. If people are unable to access your camera, make sure that camera access is not blocked.

If you have troubleshooted the issue in the browser but your camera is still not working, the next step is to check whether the camera works with other window apps. Open the camera app in the window to see if it’s working in other apps. If it’s working, but not in Google Meet, you need to check your Windows settings.

Go to the Windows settings and select “Privacy” then “Camera.” Scroll down to “Allow desktop apps to access your camera” and make sure it’s turned on. This will allow Google Meet and your browser to access your camera.

Once you’ve made these changes, go back to Google Meet and refresh the camera. If the camera is still not filling, close the browser and start again. With these troubleshooting tips, you should be able to change your camera in Google Meet and enjoy your video conferences.

In conclusion, video conferencing has become an essential part of our lives, and Google Meet has made it easier for us. However, technical issues can arise, and we need to know how to troubleshoot them. By following the tips discussed above, you should be able to change your camera in Google Meet and enjoy seamless video conferencing.