How to Block IR Signal with Nail Polish

Have you ever wondered how to block an infrared (IR) signal? Whether it’s for a DIY project or just out of curiosity, there are various ways to block IR signals and one of them is by using nail polish.

In a recent experiment, a Raspberry Pi with a PIR sensor was used to demonstrate how nail polish can be used to block IR signals. The PIR sensor comes with clear white coated caps that allow it to detect motion from every angle around it. However, by painting the cap with nail polish, the line of detection can be limited to a more direct path.

During the experiment, the original cap was used to show how sensitive it was in detecting motion. The slightest movement, even from the side, would trigger a motion detection output from the program. Then, the cap was replaced with a new one that had been painted with nail polish. The line of detection was now limited to what was in front of it, making it more direct. The program was then run again, and this time, the PIR sensor only detected motion when an object was completely in front of it.

This experiment shows that with a simple DIY solution such as nail polish, an IR signal can easily be blocked, and the line of detection can be limited to a more specific area. This can be useful in various applications, from security systems to motion detection projects.

While there are other ways to block IR signals, nail polish is a simple and affordable solution that can be used in many DIY projects. So, next time you need to limit the line of detection of your IR sensor, consider using nail polish.