How to Arrange Two Desks in a Small Office

Make Two Separate Zones Begin by placing your office standing desks or home standing desks on opposite ends and extremities of the room so that you have as much personal space available. Then, put some bookshelves in each section for office equipment and personal possessions.

Organizing a small office space can be challenging, especially if it is in a high-traffic zone. In this article, we will show you tips and tricks for organizing a small office space that will work long-term. The desk area in this article is in a kitchen, which tends to become a dumping ground for many things. If you can relate to this, especially when you don’t have a designated room for an office, then read on!

Assessing the Space

The first step in organizing a small office is to assess the space. In this case, the biggest problem was the paperwork. We had to find a place where all the paperwork could go. We got a hanging file system from Target, and she even has files for each of her kids. This way, all of those things have a place to go.

Addressing the Cubby Holes

The next step was to address the area above the desk and what to do with those small cubby holes. Sometimes, you have to work around things that are already kind of awkward and find a way to make them work. In one of the areas, we decided to create a mail station. The first cubby hole is where you grab your envelope, the second is where you grab your stamps and return addresses, and the third is where you’re going to put all the outgoing mail.

We also stored extra usable pens and markers in a Dollar Tree bin, and then on either side, we got really pretty gold paper holders from Target. By subdividing that awkward space, we were able to create something usable. You can make a space work even if it’s not how you would have designed it in the first place.

Simplicity is Key

Whenever you’re organizing a space, strive for simplicity because when you’re moving quickly, you’re not going to mess it up. We kept the drawers simple and accessible and used inexpensive interlocking drawer inserts with one type of item in each space so that it’s easy to maintain, and new habits can form.

Purging Cord Clutter

We purged cord clutter and used a $1 bin for what she actually uses and needs. We organized this space not with a goal that it stays perfect forever, just that she has more time to focus on what matters and less time having to manage clutter.

In conclusion, organizing a small office space can be a challenge, but with the right mindset and tools, you can make it work. Assess the space, address the cubby holes, strive for simplicity, and purge cord clutter. By following these simple steps, you can arrange two desks in a small office and have a more productive workspace.


How do I organize my office with two desks?
Office Depot advises arranging two desks face-to-face in the center of the room to create an “island” surrounded by open space for storage or even a couch for breaks. If staring at each other is distracting, place a divider between your desks for privacy. For additional personal space, place the desks back-to-back.
How do you rearrange furniture in a small office?
Keep the Entryway Clear. Your entryway should have as few pieces of furniture near it as possible. ... Create Visual Balance. Distribute visual weight throughout the room to make the space feel balanced. ... Don't Take Up All of Your Wall Space. ... Be Conscious of Traffic Flow.
How do you arrange desks in an office?
Place two of the desks front to front so the individuals who sit at them are facing one another when seated. Set the third desk up against the ends of the other two so it sits perpendicular to them. This arrangement allows for effective communication among the desks' occupants, so it's easy to work on group projects.
How do you split a home office?
If you choose to share one home office, think zones. “Split the room in half with a low credenza if you need to. Create two zones, so each person can personalize that space to their needs,” Underwood says. That means separate desks, separate storage and separate task lighting.