How to Add Quick Parts in Word 2010

Quick parts are a handy feature in Word 2010 that allow you to save frequently used text for easy access in future documents. In this post, we’ll explore how to use quick parts in Word 2010.

To get started, open up a Word document and highlight the text that you want to save as a quick part. It’s best to only highlight the specific text that you want to use, rather than entire paragraphs, so that you can use the quick parts independently of one another.

Next, go to the “Insert” ribbon and locate the “Text” group. Within this group, you’ll find a button called “Quick Parts.” Click on this button and select “Save Selection to Quick Part Gallery.”

This will open up a dialog box where you can create a new building block or quick part. You can rename the quick part, put it into a different gallery, categorize it, and even add a description. Once you’ve made your selections, click “OK” to save the quick part.

You can repeat this process for any other text that you want to save as a quick part. Once you’ve created your quick parts, you can easily access them by clicking on the “Quick Parts” button in the “Insert” ribbon.

If you want to make accessing the quick parts even easier, you can add the “Quick Parts” button to your quick access toolbar. To do this, right-click on the “Quick Parts” button and select “Add to Quick Access Toolbar.”

Now, you can easily access your saved quick parts from anywhere within Word 2010. Quick parts can even be used in emails in Outlook 2010.

In conclusion, quick parts are a helpful feature in Word 2010 that can save you time and effort when typing frequently used text. By simply highlighting and saving the text as a quick part, you can easily access it in future documents. Adding the “Quick Parts” button to your quick access toolbar makes using this feature even more convenient.