How Much Faster Do Games Download in Rest Mode PS5?

Dr. Glitch is back with some exciting news for PS5 users. In this post, we’re going to talk about how to increase your download speed on your PS5 console just by using a few simple tricks. You’re going to be able to dramatically increase your download speed by following the steps that Dr. Glitch is going to show you.

Before we get started, let us tell you that we’re going to be on the exact same network. It doesn’t really matter if you have slow internet speed, this method is still going to help you give a great push to speed up your existing connection.

So let’s get started. The first thing that Dr. Glitch is going to do is to show you the internet speed that he has right now, so that we can compare it to the speed that we’re going to get later on in the post. The connection speed that we’re working with right now is around 4 mbps of download speed and just 300 kbps of upload speed which is not that great in our opinion.

Now, let’s try to download a game and see the amount of time that it’s going to take in order to download this game. It’s going to take about 10 hours to download a game that is 42 dbs in size. This is before we’ve made any kind of tweaks to the console.

Now, let’s make all the changes and see the amount of difference that we can get in the download and upload speed after we’ve made all the changes.

The first thing that we’re going to do is to head over to settings and then scroll down and go on to save data and game app settings. Scroll down again and go on to automatic downloads and switch it off. Once you do this, go up to the system and then scroll down again and go on to report system software errors and then turn it off as well.

Now we’re going to go on to network and then once you’re in this screen, you’re going to go on to settings and then scroll down and go on to advanced settings. Go down again to dns settings and switch it to manual. Once you switch it to manual, you’re going to see two more options that you need to fill in. On the primary dns, you’re going to be typing in and for the secondary dns, you’re going to be typing in

Once this is done, you’re going to hit ok and we’re going to have to wait for it to connect to that particular dns server. Now let’s test our internet connection speed and compare it to the speed that we got earlier in the post.

As you can clearly see, the download speed that we’re getting right now is 80.7 mbps and the upload speed is 85 mbps. Now let’s check the amount of time that is remaining for the game to download.

As you guys can see, it’s only about an hour left for the game to download which is significantly different to what we saw earlier. It went from seven hours to just about an hour which, in our opinion, is a massive difference.

That’s pretty much it, folks. We hope you find this post helpful and if you did, please don’t forget to leave a like to this post.