How Many Margins Are on a Page: Adjusting Margins for a Single Page

Are you looking to change the margins of just one page in your document? It can be frustrating trying to adjust the margins on a single page without affecting the rest of the document. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to change the margins of a single page in your Word document without affecting the rest of the document.

To start, go to the Home tab and select the little icon that shows the formatting marks. This will display blue markers that indicate where your return keys, spaces, and section and page breaks are located. Next, make the margins on the page you want to change smaller than the margins on the other pages of the document.

To do this, select the bottom of the page and make this page a section of its own by going to the Layout tab, selecting the Breaks icon, and clicking Next Page. Then, section off this page from the next page by repeating the same steps. Now that the page is sectioned off, go over to the margins and adjust them as needed by using the ruler or by going to the Layout tab, selecting Margins, and going to Custom Margins.

If you want to copy and paste text onto the page, you’ll need to paste it into the section that is sectioned off and not the subsequent area on the next page. Keep in mind that if you delete your section breaks, it will affect the sections before and potentially the rest of your document, so it’s wise to turn the section back into the original margin values before deleting your section breaks.

By following these steps, you can adjust the margins on a single page in your Word document without affecting the rest of the document.