How Does Google Fiber Installation Work Using Microtrenching?

Google Fiber installation has been a source of concern for many homeowners due to the months of construction, torn-up yards, and even flooding. However, the company is now using a new concept that is not common in the industry to speed up the work by weeks. This new method is called Microtrenching, and Austin is the first city where Google Fiber is trying it out.

Microtrenching is a new method of installing high-speed Google Fiber lines much faster with less impact on homeowners. According to Mike Leddy, who works with Google Fiber, this method doesn’t require as much machinery and equipment to complete the pathway for the fiber. How does it work? A machine makes a narrow cut between the road and the curb, and then another machine up front vacuums up the dirt. Crews can then go in and put in the fiber line, while another crew follows behind filling it in with cement.

Before Microtrenching, crews had to dig 3 feet deep underground, which was a problem because that level is a pretty crowded space with utility lines. Microtrenching allows crews to go about 12″ deep under the road, avoiding all the lines and even digging through limestone. This has made it possible for crews to install fiber in about 50 more homes in just one day, whereas before, it was taking them close to a month.

The goal of this new method is to make it an experience that folks find to be a day or two out of their life, and the next conversation they have with Google Fiber is the service is available, and they can sign up. According to crews out there, they haven’t had to dig in anyone’s yard at all, which has reduced the impact on homeowners significantly.

This Microtrenching method is part of a new pilot program that the city is trying out. Google Fiber says that because this isn’t standard in the industry, they came up with the idea. Crews are expected to wrap up work in this neighborhood in the next few days. Homeowners like Heather Maza say they haven’t noticed much of an impact, and it seems like way less of an inconvenience.

In conclusion, Microtrenching is a new method that is changing the way Google Fiber installation works. This new process has made it possible for faster installation with less impact on homeowners. The hope is that this new method will be adopted in other cities where Google Fiber operates to reduce the inconvenience of installation for homeowners.