Congratulations on closing your rings and achieving your Apple Fitness goals! However, have you ever forgotten to start a workout on your Apple Watch during your gym session, only to realize it later? If yes, then you know how frustrating it can be to miss out on those minutes towards your ring goals.
Luckily, there’s a simple solution to this problem. In this post, we’ll walk you through a quick tech how-to guide that will show you how to manually add missed time to the Apple Health app.
Firstly, it’s important to note that you cannot add missed time directly through the Fitness app. Instead, you’ll need to use the Health app. To do this, close the Fitness app and open the Health app.
Next, tap on “Browse” at the bottom of the screen and search for “workouts” in the search bar. Tap on the first result under “Data” to view your data inputs for all of your workouts.
At the top of the screen, select “Add Data.” Here, you can enter the activity type, calories burned (if you know them), and any extra data associated with the chosen activity. For example, if you were running, you could enter your distance.
After that, enter the start and end time of your workout, and then hit “Add” at the top right. This will manually enter your missed workout activity and reflect it inside the Fitness app, which will, in turn, give you those minutes towards your ring goals.
It’s important to note that you shouldn’t cheat to close your rings. Adding missed time should only be used when you genuinely forgot to start your workout on your Apple Watch.
In conclusion, adding missed time to the Apple Health app is a simple process that can help you achieve your ring goals even if you forget to start a workout. With this guide, you’ll never have to worry about missing out on those minutes again!