How to Stop Automatic Payment on Netflix Android Phone

Are you tired of getting charged automatically every month for your Netflix subscription? It’s time to take control and cancel the auto payment feature. In this guide, we will show you two definitive ways to stop automatic payment on your Netflix Android phone.

Firstly, open your browser and go to Log in to your account and select your profile. On the top left-hand side of the screen, tap on the three horizontal lines icon. Select the option which says “account” and you’ll be taken to your account page where you have all of your details.

There isn’t a definitive way on Netflix to cancel your auto payment, but there are two things you could do. The first thing is to change your billing day in order to stop getting charged on that particular day. To do this, under billing details, find the button which says “change the billing date” and select it. Currently, your billing day is on the 26th of each month, but let’s say you want to change it. You can select any day on which you want to stop getting charged and then tap on “review and confirm”. This way, you will not get charged on that particular day by turning off the auto payment setting.

The second thing you could do is simply cancel your membership. Select the button which says “cancel membership” and it will cancel your membership after this month. It will not charge you until the next month whenever you actually go ahead and resume your membership again. After this month ends, you will not be charged at all. It isn’t going to delete your account or anything, you could go ahead and simply resume a membership if you want to again.

We hope this guide was helpful in showing you how to stop automatic payment on your Netflix Android phone. It’s time to take control and stop getting charged automatically every month.