How to Make a Cover Page in Word

On the Insert tab, in the Pages group, click Cover Page . Click a cover page layout from the gallery of options. After you insert a cover page, you can replace the sample text with your own text by clicking to select an area of the cover page, such as the title, and typing your text.

Creating a cover page in Microsoft Word is an easy process that can greatly enhance the look of your document. In this tutorial, we will show you how to make a cover page in Word using a built-in design and a custom cover page that can be reused.

First, let’s start with creating a cover page using a built-in design. You can select the Insert tab in the ribbon, then Cover Page in the Pages group. From there, you can choose a built-in design from the drop-down menu. If you want to insert your cover page somewhere other than the top of your document, right-click the built-in design, and then choose a location from the shortcut menu.

To create a custom cover page that can be reused in other Word documents, open a blank document and create your cover page, including images if necessary. Then, select all the text and images that should be included in your cover page. Next, select the Insert tab in the ribbon, followed by Cover Page in the Pages group. Select Save Selection to Cover Page Gallery, and the Create New Building Block dialog box will appear. Type a unique name into the Name text box and add any additional information into the Description text box, if necessary.

Now, let’s add the custom cover page to the Cover Page Gallery. Close the document used to create your custom cover page, and select Save in the alert box asking if you want to save changes to the Building Blocks file. Open the document to which you want to add the custom cover page. Select the Insert tab, and then Cover Page. Select your custom cover page from the bottom of the cover page gallery in the drop-down menu, and your custom cover page should now be added to your current document.

If your document has page numbers, the page number 0 may show up unnecessarily on the cover page. You can remove that unwanted page number by double-clicking the top of any page to open the Header & Footer tab. From there, select Different First Page in the Options group, and then select the Close Header and Footer button.

Creating a cover page in Word can greatly enhance the overall look of your document. By following these simple steps, you can easily create a built-in design or a custom cover page that can be used in other Word documents. To learn more about Microsoft Word, check out our other videos, including “How to Insert Citations in Microsoft Word” and “How to Create Hanging Indents in Microsoft Word.” For a complete list of our Microsoft Word tutorials, check out our playlist titled “How to Use Microsoft Word” and visit our blog at


How do I insert a blank page before a cover page in Word?
If you have already started writing your document, the easiest way to do this is to press Ctrl + Home to get to the top of the first page, then press Ctrl + Enter to insert a page break. A new, blank page will appear at the start of your document, ready for you to add content.