iPhone 7 How to Charge and Listen to Headphones with Il Dock

Use an iPhone 7 dock Apple's official Lightning Dock is one of the easiest ways to listen to your music while charging your phone, e.g. at your desk. Plonk your iPhone on the Lightning connector, then plug in headphones and a Lightning charger on the back — simple.
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If you’re an iPhone 7 owner, you know that the absence of the headphone jack can be quite inconvenient. Fortunately, there is a solution that will allow you to charge your phone and listen to music simultaneously – the Il Dock.

The Il Dock is a convenient dock that contains a 3.5 millimeter headphone jack along with the Lightning charging port. It comes in three different versions: the Il Dock, which has a 3.5 millimeter headphone jack along with the Lightning charging port; the Il Dock Duo, which comes with two Lightning ports, and the Il Dock Plus, which has a headphone jack and a Lightning port along with the SD TF card reader and a USB slot.

The Il Dock is based out of Los Angeles, California, and has already received tremendous support with 3939 backers, pledging $82,438 out of their original goal of $5,000, with 19 days to go.

To use the Il Dock, simply grab your iPhone 7 along with the adapter, plug in the 3.5 millimeter headphone into the adapter, plug your lightning cord in, and then plug the entire adapter into the bottom of the iPhone 7. You will receive power, and you can listen to your favorite songs while your phone charges. The Il Dock is designed with two cutouts, one for the 3.5 millimeter headphone jack, and the other for the lightning port.

In terms of audio quality, the Il Dock works well; to Aaron, the audio quality is the same as plugging in the Lightning connected ear pods to the iPhone 7. And as for charging time, there is no difference in charging times when connected to the adapter or straight to the wall.

Overall, the Il Dock works as advertised and is an excellent solution for those who want to listen to music while charging their phone. If you’re interested, be sure to check out the link below to their Kickstarter project.

In conclusion, the Il Dock is a great way to charge and listen to music at the same time. It is a useful device that is worth considering for iPhone 7 owners who miss the convenience of the headphone jack.


Can you charge iPhone while listening to headphones?
Use wireless headphones As most wireless headphones rely on Bluetooth technology, it frees the Lightning port up to be used by a charger without any worry about sharing the port.
Read more on www.macworld.com
Can you charge and listen to headphones?
The Solution—a Charger and Headphone Adapter These two ports work together to allow you to listen to music, play games, watch videos, and make calls while charging.