How to Use OpenAI Playground: A Comprehensive Guide

If you’re struggling with chat GPT, then OpenAI Playground is the perfect solution for you. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the process of using OpenAI Playground, including their new speech-to-text feature.

Getting started with OpenAI Playground is easy. Simply go to and click on API. Next, click on “Sign Up” to create an account and fill out a few pieces of information, as well as verify your phone number.

Once you’re inside, select “Playground” from the top menu. One cool feature of OpenAI Playground that’s not available in chat GPT is the speech-to-text option. Click it and try it out. Click “Start Recording” to say your prompt instead of typing it. For example, you can ask OpenAI to generate a 2000-word essay on artificial intelligence, then hit “Stop Recording,” and it will start transcribing your text.

Now, you can click “Use this as an input” and then hit “Submit,” and OpenAI will start writing your essay right away. At some point, it may stop, so just hit “Submit” again, and it’ll keep going.

With OpenAI Playground, it’s easier to write uninterrupted long-form content, whereas with chat GPT, you may need to do a bit of editing to get the paragraphs to flow together. Let’s try another example using speech-to-text. We’ll upload a 10-minute audio file and see how quickly it transcribes.

Wow, that was fast – less than a minute. Next, click “Use as Input.” I’ll add “summarize above” to the end of the text and hit “Submit” once again to get OpenAI to summarize this audio. This could be great for summarizing podcasts and presentations. We could even record voice memos on our phones, upload them to OpenAI, and rewrite them into a book.

This speech-to-text feature is so good because OpenAI has another AI tool called “Whisper,” which they say is as accurate as humans at recognizing speech. I think it only works with English right now, but let me know in the comments if it works in other languages.

OpenAI Playground also has presets. These are essentially just saved prompts. To see these, click the drop-down menu above the input box. For example, you can select “Summarize for a second-grader.” OpenAI gives you sample content with these presets, so you can just hit “Submit” to simplify and summarize it.

To summarize your text, just delete the sample text and paste in your own, or use this prompt in the future. You can also select “Explain Code,” and OpenAI will explain complex code in plain English.

To see more presets, click on the drop-down menu, scroll to the end, and click on “More Examples.” Here, you’ll find more examples and use cases for OpenAI Playground. You can explore these by category or just click on the ones that look interesting. You can then click “Open in Playground” and hit “Submit” to test them out.

Keep in mind that these are just a few examples. OpenAI Playground can also write blog posts, give relationship advice, translate languages, and more.

OpenAI Playground is free, sort of. You get 18 free credits to use during your first three months. After that, you just pay as you go. Each query costs around 0.03 cents, so about 18 dollars of credit covers about 600 queries, which is a lot. It’s easy to set up billing, and you can even set spending limits too.

It’s important to remember that OpenAI Playground isn’t designed to be a chat GPT Pro. It’s really just meant for experimenting around. All the billing stuff is really for people using OpenAI’s API to develop applications. Despite that, getting a free account is still worth it in case chat GPT gets too busy, or you want to use the transcription service right away.

Thank you for reading!