How to Use GNUWin32: Top 40 Windows Command Prompt Commands You Need to Know

The Windows Command Prompt may seem daunting and intimidating, but it’s a powerful tool that can help you troubleshoot and manage your computer. In this article, we’ll go over the top 40 Windows Command Prompt commands that you need to know, and we’ll do it in 10 minutes.

To launch the Windows Command Prompt, you can either hit the Windows key + S or click the start menu icon and search for cmd. Once you have the Command Prompt open, run it as an administrator for full access.

First, let’s find your computer’s IP address with the command “IP can fit.” This command will give you all your IP information, but to find your Mac address and DNS server, you need to use “IP config slash all.” This command will give you all the information you need, but it’s too much. To filter it, use “find string” and specify what you’re looking for, like DNS.

If your computer needs a new IP address, use “IP config release” to let it go and “IP config renew” to get a fresh new IP address. To troubleshoot DNS, start with the command “IP config slash display dns” to see all the websites your computer knows about and their IP addresses. To copy that to your clipboard, use “IP config slash display dns pipe clip.” If you need to flush your DNS resolver cache, use “IP config ford slash flush dns.”

For further DNS troubleshooting, use NS lookup to see where a website is and what DNS server you’re using. You can also check for other types of DNS records, like MX, TXT, and pointers.

To clean your screen, use the command “CLS,” which stands for “clear screen.” To find your Mac address, use the command “get mac slash v.” To check for power issues, use “power CFG slash energy” to get a report on how you’re doing. To check your battery, use “power CFG slash battery report.”

To see which file types are associated with which programs, use the command “ASSOC.” To check for computer issues, use “CHKDSK” to see if you need a repair with “ford slash f” and to check for physical sector issues with “dash r.”

With these top 40 Windows Command Prompt commands, you’ll be able to troubleshoot and manage your computer like a pro.