How to Use Compressor Mac to Save Time Editing Videos

If you’re an avid Final Cut Pro 10 user, you may be wondering how Compressor works and how it can save you time. Kevin Colby from Kevin Colby Media has got you covered. In this article, we’ll summarize his tips to help you understand how to use Compressor effectively.

Firstly, understand that Compressor is not a must-have tool, but it can certainly make your life easier. When you finish editing a video on Final Cut Pro 10, instead of taking the time to export your video in different formats, you can simply go to “file” and select “send to Compressor.” This saves you time because you can then shut down Final Cut Pro and work on something else while Compressor works its magic.

Here’s an example of how Compressor can be useful: let’s say you have an interview video with Owen Video, and you want to upload it to YouTube, Facebook, and even strip the audio for a podcast. Instead of exporting three different videos, you can use Compressor to create three different versions of one video.

Once you’ve sent the video to Compressor, you can select from a variety of presets or create your own. For example, you can choose a preset for YouTube, Facebook, or an audio format like MP3. Compressor allows you to change the settings of each preset to your liking.

Once you’ve selected your presets, hit “start batch,” and Compressor will create three different versions of your video optimized for different platforms in one go. You can even monitor the progress of the batch in real-time.

Compressor is available for purchase at around $50. While it’s not a necessity, it can certainly make your life easier if you’re editing videos regularly. So, if you’re looking for a way to streamline your video editing process, give Compressor a try.

In conclusion, Kevin Colby’s tips provide a clear understanding of how Compressor works and how it can be utilized to save time. If you’re an avid Final Cut Pro 10 user, consider giving Compressor a try.