How to Use Alexa on Apple Watch: A Guide to Voice in a Can

If you’re looking for an easy and reliable way to use Alexa on your Apple Watch, look no further than the Voice in a Can app. This simple application allows you to connect your Apple Watch to your Amazon account, giving you access to all of the features of Alexa right from your wrist.

To get started, simply open the app and connect it to your Amazon account. Once this is done, you can use Alexa on your iPhone app. However, the real magic happens when you connect your Apple Watch to your Amazon account. With Voice in a Can, you can activate Alexa from any watch face, making it incredibly convenient to use.

While the app may take a second to load, it is extremely reliable. There are other apps in the App Store that offer the same function, like Reverb AI, but Voice in a Can has been found to be the most reliable option. The developer has even included an Apple Watch complication, making it even easier to access Alexa from your watch.

For advanced users, you can take things a step further by signing into your Alexa app on your iPhone and connecting Voice in a Can to your Fire TV. This allows you to control whatever you’re watching on your Fire TV right from your wrist.

The app costs a one-time purchase of $1.99 and is available on the Apple App Store. Overall, if you’re looking for a convenient and reliable way to use Alexa on your Apple Watch, Voice in a Can is definitely worth checking out.