How to Update a Minecraft Mod: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re a Minecraft modder, you know that keeping up with the latest versions can be a challenge. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to update your mod from version 1.9 to 1.10.

First, head to the Forge website and download the latest version (1.10.2 as of this writing). Once it’s downloaded, drag it to your desktop and extract the files.

Next, open your mod folder and select everything except the “source” folder and “set up workspace” file. Delete these files and then drag the contents of the Forge file you just downloaded into your mod folder.

Double-click on the “set up workspace” file and let it run. This may take a while, as it will download all the necessary files for the new version. Once it’s complete, open Eclipse and browse for your modding folder.

Open your “MC Mod Info” file and change the “MC version” to 1.10.2. Then, in your reference class, change the “accepted versions” to 1.9.4 and 1.10.2. This will ensure that your mod works for both versions.

Finally, test your mod in both versions to ensure it works properly. That’s it – your mod is now updated to the latest version!

While this may seem like a short tutorial, it’s an important step for any Minecraft modder. And if you’re interested in getting access to the source code for these modding tutorials, consider pledging at least $1 to Mr. Crayfish’s Patreon page.

Thanks for reading, and happy modding!