How to Uninstall Codecs Windows 10: Removing HEVC Video Extension

Are you having trouble finding and deleting the HEVC video extension on your Windows 10 device? You’re not alone. This extension can be difficult to locate, even in the Control Panel. And if it’s not running properly on your system, it can cause a lot of frustration.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to removing the HEVC video extension from your Windows 10 device.

1. Open Windows PowerShell: This is the first step to take when trying to remove an Appx package.

2. Search for HEVC: Once you’re in PowerShell, type in the command “Get-AppxPackage.” This will display a list of all the Appx packages installed on your device. Look for the HEVC extension.

3. Copy the Package Name: You’ll need to copy the full name of the HEVC package in order to remove it.

4. Remove the Package: Type in the command “Remove-AppxPackage” followed by the package name you just copied.

5. Confirm Removal: Type in the command “Get-AppxPackage” again to confirm that the HEVC package has been successfully removed.

Once you’ve gone through these steps, the HEVC video extension should be gone from your device. You can now install a new extension without any issues.

While this process may seem a bit lengthy, it’s the most efficient way to remove the HEVC video extension from your Windows 10 device. Say goodbye to the frustration and hello to a smoother user experience.