How to Turn Off “Show More Options” in Windows 11

If you’re a Windows 11 user, you may have noticed that when you right-click on a file on your desktop, you don’t see all the options by default. This can be frustrating, especially if you need quick access to those options. Thankfully, there are a few methods you can use to show more options by default in Windows 11.

The first method is to edit the Windows registry. To do this, press the Windows button, then type “regedit” and select “Registry Editor” from the search results. Navigate to the following location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Classes > CLSID. Right-click on it and select “New” and then click on “Key.” Rename this key folder in a specific way (copy-paste the name from the description below to avoid errors). Create another sub-key by right-clicking on this key, hovering over “New,” and selecting the “Key” option. Name this key the same way. Once this key is created, double-click on the “default” option on the right side of the window. Make sure that the value data is empty. Select “OK,” then restart your computer and check if you can now see all options by default when you right-click on your desktop.

Another useful solution is to run Command Prompt. Press the Windows button, type “cmd,” and run Command Prompt as an administrator. Copy-paste the following command (posted in the description below) in the Command Prompt window, press “Enter,” and restart your computer. Check if the menu is now showing all options by default.

And that’s pretty much it! As usual, for more information and details, you can check the article in the description below.