How to Turn Off Auto Enhancement on iPhone Camera

If you own a newer iPhone, you may have noticed that the auto enhance feature is activated by default. This feature adjusts the depth and saturation of your photos, which can sometimes distort the image. Unfortunately, there is no straightforward way to turn off this feature. However, there are a few things you can do to stop your phone from auto enhancing your photos.

Firstly, you can turn off the high dynamic range (HDR) feature in your phone’s photo settings. This feature is automatically applied by default on iOS 15, so you’ll need to manually turn it off. After turning off HDR, take a photo and see if any auto enhancements are still being applied. If so, you can try using the volume up button to capture your photos instead of clicking on the camera icon.

If you’re still experiencing auto enhancements, try turning off the mirroring feature on your front-facing camera. This feature can also apply enhancements to your photos. After turning off mirroring, take another photo and see if any enhancements are still being applied.

If you’re still not satisfied with your photos, you can try taking a photo with live mode turned on. This mode captures multiple frames of your photo, which allows you to choose a frame without any enhancements. After taking a live photo, open your photos app and click on the photo you want to edit. Click on the “edit” button and choose the frame without any enhancements. Make this frame your key photo, and you’ll have a photo without any auto enhancements.

While we hope that Apple will eventually introduce a feature to turn off auto enhancements, these tips should help you take photos without any unwanted adjustments.